Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Watery Stitch and Watery Walk

The rains have returned, so 'A Watery Stitch' is appropriate for early April in Oregon.  I've chosen a design by Jane Chandler from the Leisure Arts pamphlet "Noah and Friends".  The design is on the upper left of the photo and is called "And Noah Opened the Window..." 
It's Wednesday.  Are you up for 'A Watery Walk'?

The clumps of wild Iris grow larger and greener.

The first blossoms of the Grand Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) are evident.  You can easily see that the plant is a member of the Borage family.

The buds on the Hawthorne have appeared too and are swelling.

The blossoms of the Wild Cherries light up the dark woods.

I said "A Watery Walk" didn't I?  Friday evening after two days of hard rain the creeks were swollen and fast running.  This is our 'little' Dorothy's Creek.

This is the bridge to my sister's Dahlia Garden spanning our Big Creek.  Several years ago my father and brother tore out the old bridge and rebuilt this one placing it higher up on the banks of the creek.  As you can see, it is none too high!

Another view of the Big Creek - my sister's garden is off in the distance on the right bank.

This time of year the red branches shine along the banks of the Big Creek.  I'm still trying to decide if these are willows or Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus stolonifera).  I'll have to keep an eye out as the Dogwood has a very distinctive bloom and berry.

The wind and the rain helped to fell sheets of moss from the Oaks.

In an earlier post, I mentioned that our Ash suffered in the snow storm.  Here you can see that we lost many branches and several trees.

Though leafed out and blooming, the Osoberry shrubs (Oemleria cerasiformis) bent under the weight of the snow, but they did not break.

A sweet clump of Violets - a reward for close observation! 

I think that even if the Small Trillium (Trillium parviflorum) never bloomed, it would be on my list of favorite wildflowers.  The mottled leaves are so pretty.

I'll end this 'Watery Walk' with a poisonous plant that thrives in the swampy areas of our property - The Corn Lily (Veratrum californicum).  They are a lovely bright green in the Spring.  They grow to 5 feet or more with a large white tassel top much like corn, hence their common name.


  1. I like you choice of stitch - as you know I love Ark designs. The water in the little creek looks quite dramatic.

  2. i too love the ark designs.Its been snowing here in England!

  3. It was a soggy walk today but still such lovely plants to observe. I love those trillium leaves. I like hostas for the same reason - they don't need to bloom, just give me those big beautiful leaves. Wow, the creeks were sure running high. We have one at the bottom of our property & I usually can't see it until its out of its banks - nothing like that today thank goodness. Take care!

  4. wonderful woodland ramble, finding flowing waters along the way, very nice.

  5. Your Ark design is great. As far as the watery walk, I loved it. I'm so ready for our nice cool NW weather!!! It is so hot and humid here.

  6. With all the rain we have been having, perhaps we should 'build' and ark in addition to your stitching one! :~P
    Thank you for taking me on a most delightful tour of your grounds!
    I have not heard of the 'Grand Hound's Tongue' but I have Borage! Very pretty!
    Oh, my! Your Dorothy Creek is running along quite furiously! But how fun to have one coursing through your land, and what a great bridge crossing over it! I'd say it was a good thing that it was made higher! And what a fun thing to be able to scan down it's length to view your sister's garden!
    Many of our trees have suffered considerable damage this year, too! Makes me very sad to lose those old friends and makes so much work for the Gentleman Farmer!
    Oh, your little violets are so sweet! I have only seen purple and yellow ones! But I bet they smell just as sweet!
    I love how the Trilliums just seem to know that it is Easter Tide! Ours are blooming now, also, though they are not mottled leafed.
    I vaguely remember seeing a Corn Lily but did not know they were poisonous! Do you mean that they are not edible or cause irritation when touched? Inquiring minds want to know! :~}
    Thanks for dropping in at my garden today. I enjoyed the visit!

  7. I think that's an appropriate stitch for all the rain you've been having! Loved the watery walk. I am happy to say--knock on wood--that we haven't had much rain and the skies have been blue. It is amazing how much nicer things look when that happens!

  8. Your Ash tree is gorgeous in that pic. I love the wildflower portion of our walk today. I have never heard of or seen an Osoberry Shrub until reading your blog. I LOVE its flower! Like little bells. I have never heard of the Corn Lily before - how is it poisonous?


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.