Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hearts and Flowers

Design - "Three Hearts"
Designer - A Needle & Fred
Fabric - 28 count Lavender Sunset Jobelan
Fibers - DMC & WDS - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 28 February 2012
Completed 2 April 2012

Well it looks like 'Six Hearts' to me, not 'Three Hearts', but then I did not design and/or name the piece; I just stitched it.  I very much enjoyed working on this.  I haven't done much with beads before.  This used three different Mill Hill colors.  The bead size was such that I could continue to use the same size needle with or without beads, and that sped-up stitching.  I do like the unusual colors - blues, greens, and lavenders - not 'normal' Valentine colors. 

It's Tuesday - time to join The Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage.  

Thursday evening the Eugene Garden Club hosted a plant sale.
My sister and I had to check it out!

Look!  Log House Plants had Auriculas for sale - just $6.00 each.
The vendor, whom I know very well, called me a Plant Hoarder!

They also had herbs...

...and their "Mighty 'Mato" - grafted tomatoes.

Oh and look at this lovely Heuchera.

This Bleeding Heart was a show-stopper.

I ended up with three miniature conifers, a couple of Salvia, a couple of Ice Plants...

Oh yes, and a couple more "Hose in Hose" Primula.

Monday afternoon was sunny and warm.   Oh Joy!  So like an good Oregonian,  I worked outside - supervised by sleeping, shading-loving cats.  I potted up my "Hose in Hose" Primula and set them out on the Front Porch.  

Here's the three Auricula I bought Thursday evening.

I potted them up too.  I ended up with 12 plants for $18.00.  $1.50 each - such a deal!  Now I really, really, really need to wait for the weather to warm up before I buy anything else.  I should have a Horticultural Purchase Moratorium until say early May!


  1. You really scored on that one--they look so pretty.

  2. It's so nice to hear of your adventure to the plant sale. Around here, there hasn't been any yet. I like the looks of the Auricula. I have never heard of them before. I don't think we get them here in Iowa. The herbs look good enough to eat. ;)
    I love your new stitched header too. My father was a Baptist minister and Noah is one of my favorite biblical accounts. I can't wait to meet Noah in heaven some day. Until then, I'll just enjoy your header when I log on.

  3. Great plant deals!! Love your finish too, very pretty!

  4. Your Three Hearts is a supercute finish, and the plants are gorgeous, too!

  5. Nothing unusual about those Valentine colors in my mind! That came out great. Love the designer's name...never heard of...him?

    Thanks for lots of spring flowers to look at.


  6. Love your new finish!!! Very different valentine colors, but they work VERY nicely!!! You know about the kid in the candy store? Well your candy is definitely plants! LOL Love your new purchases!

  7. Love the colors in the hearts too! They really turned out nice. Thanks for sharing the flowers with us too!

  8. those bleeding hearts are so nice to have in a garden. I always know spring with warmer weather has arrived when they start to bloom.
    the stitching project is so wonderful! congrats on your finish.

  9. Love early plant sales! And I like the mini conifers you got, plus really like how the primroses look potted up individually--I bet they look lovely on your porch!

  10. Your heart finish is so cute! Great plant sale!

  11. Your flowers and cross-stitch sure look lovely!

  12. Hearts and flowers--what more could a girl ask for :)

    Where do you keep all those pots during the winter months, Beth? I just love the pretty primulas!

  13. You are making me want to garden rather than stitch. Love the 3 hearts:)

  14. I'm playing catch up here.. .LOL Beautiful beautiful beautiful....all your finishes. The Garden Party looks like it was a hit...I saw many many pretties there that I would have taken home. The birdies and deer are as gorgeous as ever. Very striking Kingfisher pair too. AND congratulations on your award. It's such a fantastic feeling knowing someone thinks you should have a moment in the spotlight. XD I think you do too.

  15. Hi Beth, Your "Three Hearts" project is lovely! All the garden things make me so happy we head home on Thurs. so I can get out in the yard!

  16. Congrats on the lovely finish. I love beads. They add so much to a design. Such gorgeous plants and flowers. Thank you for the eye candy :)


  17. I love this finish, the colors are really pretty.
    What a wonderful plant sale.

  18. Love this piece! (Though, ummm, yeah. The name? There are clearly SIX hearts. lol)

  19. LOVE those tall primroses - I've always wanted some...too bad I missed that sale. :-)


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