Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Sunday Bird Show

I managed to get photos of most of our returning guests... 

...including the Goldfinches!
They certainly brighten up our feeders.

And when their larger cousins, the Evening Grosbeaks decide to come to the feeders, we'll have even more color.

The peanut feeder has had the 'regulars' - a Hairy Woodpecker...

...and a smaller Downy Woodpecker.

Oh, but I wish this Red Breasted Sapsucker was looking my direction!
I don't think I've ever gotten this close to one before. 

And on the ground, working away, a Red-Shafted Northern Flicker.

I'll leave you with a "Where's Waldo" photo.
In this case, it's where's the little Bushtit?  Click on the photo to make it larger - that may help.

Here are directions: look at the center of the photo.  Just to the right of center above the green blackberries leaves there is a small brown and gray bird - that's the Bushtit.  They are very, very, small and flit incessantly.  I've been trying (unsuccessfully) for over a year now to get a picture of one.


  1. Love seeing the variety of birds and creatures in your area!

  2. The plethora you have of nature in your own backyard is wonderful! They seem so content there too. You'll get a picture of your camera shy Bushtit, I am so sure of it. LOL Happy Sunday Beth.

  3. Thanks for sharing all of your bird friends visiting your yard. The goldfinches are returning to our yard as well as the gross beak. We are just starting to see cedar waxwing and hope to see the return of the flicker. We have redheaded woodpeckers all year long.

  4. Hi Beth. I really enjoy seeing your bird and garden pictures. Also love your stitching. I have a question. I know you have like 170? flower pots. Do you water them with the hose or a watering can? If you use the hose, what kind of nozzle do you use. We are starting to plant our containers and right now I hate the nozzle my husband has on the hose, but I hate having the water drowning my sandals without the nozzle.

    Thanks, Linda

  5. Love the bird pictures - that little bushtit was a "where's waldo?" He has great coloring to blend in. Lots of action at my feeders but mostly cardinals and blue jays and sparrows. It got cold here this weekend. I need to make a run for more seed tomorrow.

  6. Great bird photos! So much color! I have never been able to get a picture of a bushtit!

  7. Nature is really wonderful!


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