Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Birds Are Back!

Friday must have been the day all the "Snow Birds" returned home for the Spring / Summer.  We had our first sightings of Goldfinches, Evening Grosbeaks, and Barn Swallows.  I don't think that we've ever had a day with 'first sightings' of three returning birds before.  I'll have photos in a couple of days.

In the mean-time the California Quail have slowly been pairing up.

This sweet little female spent quite some time perched on our bench.

She appears to have no suitors.
But not for lack of trying on her part. 

She postured and posed.

She turned this way and that.
Isn't she a sweet plump thing? 

She called and called...

"Single female quail - looking for a mate!"
Here's what her call sounded like 'Chi-Ca-Go'.


  1. The quail are such pretty birds. We've had goldfinches. I hope your week-end is as lovely as ours, mid 60's and sun. We work all afternoon at the lighthouse!

  2. awww bless hope she gets someone soon she is a pretty wee thing for a bird love mouse xxxxx

  3. "Woman" trying to get attention! The wild kingdom does relate to "our" kingdom!


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