Monday, April 23, 2012

Muscari Monday

I wanted something to stitch while watching "Finding Your Roots" Sunday evening.  I kitted up "Brother Noah" from a Leisure Arts pamphlet.  It's a very small sampler, I got about half way done in one hour's stitching. 

While we have lots of daffodils, my favorite 'small bulb' is Muscari (the Grape Hyacinth).

Muscari 'Ocean Magic'

We have hopes of someday having a Muscari meadow - for now we have a 3 feet by 3 feet square!

Here's the source of our inspiration!

For over 20 years now this small vacant lot in west Eugene comes into its own in late April.

It is a veritable sea of blue.

The bulbs have naturalized with wild abandon!

I now have six or so different varieties of muscari.
Muscari azureum

Muscari - Dark Eyes 
Notice the small white eye on each bud.

Muscari - variety unknown

Muscari - unknown from "Sunshine Blue Mix" of Daffs and Muscari.

Muscari latifolium

Muscari armeniacum - Fantasy Creation
This is perhaps the oddest of all Muscari.
It won't come into its own for a while yet.  I'll take another picture when all the blossoms are at their peak.


  1. Never heard of muscari...I guess I thought they were grape hyacinths...are they? Love the delicate blue ones.


  2. You are going to have an amazing Noah collection. We have a two tone Muscari at the moment and it's looking good given the awful spring we've had.

  3. Oh, so pretty! We only have a couple of grape hyacinths around our front light...Just the basic purple. I never knew there were so many varieties.

    I had no idea there were so many Noah charts!! Do you have an entire Noah wall, Beth?

  4. I bet it smells delicious. You know what kind of block of flowers I would love..sunflowers. perfect bird food and also can be harvested and sold for a good profit from what I hear or lavender.

  5. ooo love those ... haven't got any in my garden yet but my neighbour has :)
    and well done on the stitching front too :) love mouse xxxxx

  6. Your little stitch looks like fun! I too love Muscari!! I have 3 varieties planted and hope to do more. That field of them is just beautiful!

  7. Beautiful... Just beautiful! Would love to lie down in a field full of those :P I'm trying to decide whether they're blue or purple. In some pics they look blue and in others purple.


  8. Uau! What a sea of blue!!

  9. Like the lavender fields in Provence!! Gorgeous. You have inspired me to finish The Ark Leaves in Ten Minutes from Mosey N Me!!

  10. I once planted muscari but they were too deep and didn't/couldn't come up to bloom. I rediscovered them when I was doing something else in that spot, and dug them out and they came back and bloomed for me! It was a miracle! I hope you get great pictures of Fantasy Creation--they look so unusual. You are really rolling these Ark kits out this month! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.