Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Enjoying a Spell of Good Weather

We've had super weather the past few days.  69F Friday, 70F Saturday, 77F Sunday, and 81F Monday - our first 80F+ day of the year!  So as it turns out, not I've not much to report on the stitching front.  I've been outside messing about with my plants!  I did stitch a bit on "Brother Noah" Sunday and Monday evening.

It's Tuesday, that means it's time to mosey on over to The Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage.

Take a look at my Auricula.  I could win a ribbon at the Chelsea Flower show with this beauty!   

Good weather on Friday, Saturday, Sunday meant a trip to the nursery!

By Monday evening this is what I'd done.

I used many of the plants to 'refresh' my thyme and sedum theater.
I think about 50% of my sedums over-wintered.

I over-wintered a group of 48 plants in this protected gravel area.  They were protected from wind on two sides, and the gravel retained any heat.  Most of the plants were agastaches, salvias, herbs, and dianthus.  I covered them with old blankets a couple of nights when the temperatures dipped below 25F.  Otherwise, they fended for themselves.  I was especially pleased with the small dianthus.  Last winter I had them tucked under the eaves and they all died.  This year, out in the elements, they all survived!   

This past weekend I set up a card table and took a look at each pot.

I was pleased to have an 83% survival rate - 40 out of 48.  That's a big savings on my spring gardening budget.  Now - how do I keep the chipmunks from digging in the pots?

Spring continues a pace on the Front Porch.

Every time I go out, all the color makes me smile.

This evergreen Clematis "Early Sensation" is about to explode with blossoms.

And look at the Arisaema - the pot on front right.  This was taken on 4/16.

The same Arisaema one week later.  Leafed out and the hooded cobra blossom in evidence! 

Next up - get the Fucshias and Begonias out of the greenhouse!  This will be the earliest that I've ever set them out - but I think we are frost-free from here on out.


  1. Oh brother!!! I have to left hands when it comes to take care of plants. And no place to put them on!!
    Love you garden. Nature is blessed there!

  2. The auricula certainly is beautiful! And I like your "theater!" We had a somewhat mild winter here, too--zone 9 plants like agapanthus that normally die all the way back and I have to cover, I didn't cover and it didn't die back! I love the blue pot with the purple pansies, and the bright yellow behind it is perfect! And I've never heard of that variety of evergreen clematis--it sure is pretty! I love clematis, too!

  3. Your garden looks great! I have radishes up too--they are about as close as a vegetable gardener gets to "instant" gratification! And your garlic--how funny--maybe it liked the really warm weather? The peas look great. I'm a little behind with them from where I would like to have been, but did get them planted last weekend. Sweet peas--I hedged my bets this year, and started some inside under lights, and some out in my patio containers. Just when I thought the outside ones were duds, they all germinated(!), and I planted out the starts, which were getting pretty big, so we should have some nice sweet peas in a couple of months or so!

  4. I loved your pictures! All the plants look so vibrant and beautiful. The clematis looks great!

  5. Pretty, pretty. Clematis in April? Wow.


  6. Your plants all look wonderful. The auricula is beautiful! We've been warm too but not quite as warm as you. Today we are back to cool clouds. I did spend the morning in the garden and I think all my dahlias made it through the winter!! Yea!

  7. Very pretty plants in your collection!

  8. nice collection of plants, i've noticed a lot of change in the season as compared to previous year. Many of plants and flower blossom up quite before their time to come out. I'm sure your plants also get ready before time because of the atmospheric change.

    ~Aansy Stone

  9. ooooo yes I think I defo would award it a ribbon it is gorgeous and well done on the over wintering of the plants .... :) can't help with the chipmunks am afraid :9
    love mouse from a very wet mouse house again xxxxx

  10. Yes, how DO you keep the cute little chipmunks away?? I really look forward to seeing Early Sensations in bloom! Hugs!


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