Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Daffodil Days

April is the time the daffodils are in full bloom along Lorane Highway, so I thought this Heart in Hand stitch 'Alphabet Mania - D is for Daffodil' would be an appropriate new start.   

Let's continue the Daffodil theme with my contribution to the Tuesday Garden Party over at An Oregon Cottage
In my part of the world (southern Willamette Valley of Oregon) at 750' elevation, these are Daffodil Days.  Over the years my sister, mother, and father have been pretty diligent about planting daffodils along our driveway each autumn.  We now have somewhere between 12-18 different varieties...early mid-season, and late blooming. 
Which is your favorite?

February Gold
Thought it is 'April Gold' for us! 

Professor Einstein

Ice Follies

King Alfred
Tried and true.

Red Devin


Las Vegas
Big, strong and showy like their name.  They shrugged off our late March snow and stand proud and true.

Flower Record
Naturalizing nicely

Naturalizing with ease

Jet Fire
Strong clumps - had feet of snow dumped from the roof fall on them, and they all recovered.  Are multiplying fiercely.


Lemon Beauty

Golden Ducat


This is my favorite (and one I chose)!  The two clumps have quadrupled in size since they were planted five years ago.  

They are thriving in deep, damp shade under the canopy of large Oak trees.  I'm not usually a fan of 'blush' colored daffs, but these sing to me!

I hope you enjoyed our Daffodil Ramble.


  1. Daffodils are so pretty and you have some beautiful varieties! I've stitched that D is for Daffodil Heart in Hand piece. In fact I stitched all 26 of them. It is a sampler I haven't shown yet on my blog but I plan to, real soon. Enjoy those sunny happy daffodils.

  2. Daffodils...daffodils...every where daffodils! Beautiful. Pretty new start too.

  3. Hi Beth, You have many beautiful varieties of daffodils. I love the daffodil you cross-stitched too!

  4. Beth thanks for sharing all the pictures, I have never seen so many varieties.

  5. My favourite has to be the variety called Thalia - they are so delicate and pretty.

  6. I was going to pick Professor Einstein as my favorite, but Passionale is very pretty!

  7. Love all the daffs...including the one to be stitched. I don't think daffs are as showy as tulips, but they are good and reliable...and NOT deer candy!

    Thanks for the display.


  8. One clump of ice follies just bloomed in our garden this week. I love all the varieties you are sharing.

  9. Beth, Your daffodils are spectacular!!The stitched one is lovely too!

  10. Our daffodils have been gone for weeks... sad face... I planted many different varieties in my side and front yards years ago. The squirrels followed right behind me and transplanted them into my NEIGHBOR's yard! And she is blind!! She can't enjoy them like I would!! Bah humbug! Me and the squirrels are NOT friends! Hugs!

  11. I only knew the yellow version of dafoddils (and at the market, not in gardens/nature). Since that is not at all my favourite colour I'm glad to know there are other colours for this flower. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Love your daffodil pictures. Thanks for linking up so that we could all enjoy them.

  13. I love the daffodils. Kokopeli is my favorite. Named after a famous flute player. Since I play flute it is my fav. Tulips are my fav flower. Do you have lots of those planted.

  14. Thanks so much for these wonderful pictures! Daffodils are one of my all time favorite flowers and I really miss them since we moved South. It doesn't get cold enough here for the bulbs to successfully bloom int he spring.

  15. Very pretty! I love daffodils. I wish they lasted longer than a couple weeks. *sniff*


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