Monday, April 9, 2012

The "Full" Meal Deal

Work continues on my Ark!
Almost done with the Ark.  Next up the Raven and backstitching.

The 'full' Lane County Farmers' Market opened for another season last Saturday. 

It was a brisk, cold (39F) morning... 

...And breakfast called its Siren Song!

I thought these looked to be perfect Easter cookies!

My sister had a Potato Leek Pastie...

Next time (on a warmer day) we have got to try out this locally produced ice cream.  They had a flavor called Heart of Chocolate!  

Who needs to dye these natural Easter Eggs?

Here's my breakfast.
Biscuits and Country Ham Gravy (with big pieces of ham), and a fried egg.

There were lots of Spring flowers for Easter weekend... 

...Including these darling Easter baskets. 

This was, I think, my favorite bouquet.


  1. Your Ark is looking great! Sounds like good food and beautiful flowers were a great way to celebrate the Easter weekend.

  2. The Ark colors are so pretty! The market pictures show that spring is really here! Our local market starts Sat. of this week. Can't wait!Have a great week!

  3. Wish I could try some of that Heart of Chocolate ice cream! Sounds rich and yummy!

  4. Love your little ark. And wow, I wish I could have gone to the Farmer's Market with you, cold day or not. Looks wonderful!

  5. Drat it! Now I'm hungry and want flowers. ;-)

    Congrats on the stitching and the festive start to "spring shopping."

  6. ohh well done on the stitching front :)
    loved all the yummy goodies and those flowers are simply gorgeous .. love having fresh flowers in the house when I can afford them :) love mouse xxxxx

  7. What a gorgeous bouquet in the last photo! And we got some eggs that were blue from the lady we buy eggs from, and we blew the egg out of them and used the shells for decorating. They are so pretty.

  8. Those "macaroons" (Easter cookies) look really sweet! Those colours can be combined with the flowers and make a sweet scented bouquet!!


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