Saturday, March 24, 2012


As of 7:30pm Friday evening we were still without power.  In fact, the downed-line situation along our road looked worse than two days ago.  There were downed lines out on the road when we came home Friday evening - so we reported that to the power company.  Maybe that will move us up a bit in priority.

By Friday afternoon the snow was off the trees and roof of the house. 

The sun shined brightly on the Back Patio.  Tom-Cat and Parvati (both suffering from Cabin Fever) took advantage of the warm weather.  Ironically it was warmer outside, than inside!

While the snow is gone from the valley floor, it lingers at our elevation - especially on north-facing hillsides.

The Quail made an appearance Friday afternoon.

They said, "This is so wrong!  We are California Quail!  Not Mountain Quail!"

I think the birds have fared pretty well during the snow.
Better really than we have.  I'm beginning to get grumpy.  Today it was too cold to stitch.  The temperature in the room with the fireplace fluctuated between 53F to 60F.  Here's hoping the power is restored today!

UPDATE: Power Restored 8:30am Saturday morning!!!


  1. SOOOOOO glad to hear that you finally have power back!!! It's awful to live in the colonial times when you are use to the modern times! LOL Love those quail!

  2. wooo hooo glad you now have power .... the boys certainly looked to be enjoying the sunshine while they could ..
    hope the birds are feeling more acclimatised now brrr
    and good luck with getting some stitching done now :)
    love mouse xxxxx

  3. Glad you got your power back on , enjoy the nicer weather . X

  4. You are having such a time of it with your weather at the moment. The quail in the snow made me smile.

  5. Beth, I'm soooo happy you got your power back!!!!I remember taking freezing cold showers a few years ago when we lost power for several days. It is such a pain.I think the birds look good so hopefully we can all get on to spring!!

  6. So glad you have power, I hate being cold, love your photos keep them coming, and I do hope your snow has gone xxx

  7. Oh, dear...I missed a few days of your posts and was wondering why it was too cold to stitch! Glad power is on and things are getting back to normal.

    Great photos of California quails.

    We had summer last week. Out of town family sitting out on the patio every evening, which was wonderful. Back to more normal temps this week, with a freeze warning tonight. Our flowering trees have been magnificent... everything blooming at once and a good month early. Hope the temps tonight don't affect them.

    Looks like a great batch of springy smalls waiting for stitching attention. Have fun!



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