Friday, March 23, 2012

Another Snow Day

Based on our weather, I should be stitching mittens!
I did work a bit on A Needle and Fred's "Three Hearts".  I was able to complete the second square Tuesday - before the snow and power loss.

Daylight Thursday morning - a bit of snow during the night refreshed the trees.  My fifteen year old nephew is loving this - no school Wednesday or Thursday and Spring Break begins on Monday.  What more could a boy wish for?

Not so happy - this Hummingbird!

Do you think he could look anymore fierce or upset?
I am keeping the nectar feeders full and frost-free!

Mr. Flicker came to eat on the suet.  I'm sure he's burning extra calories in this cold weather.

I was able to capture a couple of nice pictures of Chickadees.

They impatiently awaited newly-filled bird feeders while perched atop young Douglas Fir leaders.

And up in a small fir tree - this handsome California Quail. 

He called out to his other covey members -

"Food has arrived!  Food has arrived!"
His top-knot should have a curl to it, but it has gotten soaked and matted together, and so appears straight.

I know everyone else is basking in 70F-80F temperatures.  So, enjoy my snow!


  1. We don't have the snow but we are very cold. In the morning, well below freezing. I think the birds still need lots of help getting through this weather. I love that chickadee picture. Stay warm!

  2. Just love the hearts piece. It is really fun. It feels like June here all month. Crazy weather days

  3. I've awarded your blog the Liebster blog award! I enjoy reading about your projects and about your 'neck of the woods' that seems so similar to mine at least weatherwise :)

  4. Poor birds must be wondering what's hit them. I still love that heart design.

  5. Lucky nephew - but I'm guessing you're going to be more careful when making wishes. :)

  6. Amazing weather, this. Your Heart project is really pretty. I think that hummingbird scared me - LOL!

  7. well we have a wee bit of fog and the sun came through around 4 ish this afternoon ...
    gorgeous bird photos and the stitching's not bad either
    hope you are coping ok ??? love mouse xxxxx

  8. Three Hearts is really looking cute! It's amazing the hummingbird is able to survive all that snow! So tiny! Love those quail with their caps!!

  9. Very pretty!I hear your weather is headed our way...we had our snow last weekend and more rain coming tomorrow! Have a great the stitching!!


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