Thursday, February 16, 2012

Polka Dots and Rain Drops

I've begun stitching on "Polka Dot Scissor Companion" by Ewe & Eye and Friends.  I found a scrap of 28 count pink linen and decided this chart would make for the perfect use.

Tom-Cat did not seem interested in a walk this afternoon.
With just a few fluffy clouds in the sky, I had no excuse to tarry, so off I went.

In the last couple of weeks the catkins on the Hazelnuts have elongated and turned color.

It showered on and off yesterday - the Douglas Fir greedily held on to the moisture.
As did the mosses and lichens.

I'm so exciting.  I found a bird's nest down by our Big Creek.  I'll have to keep an eye on it now to determine whether it's new construction or an older model.

The Osoberry (Indian Plum) is also making great strides.

It's easy to see that it is one of the earliest Spring bloomers.

Our out-of-control 40-foot-tall Pussy Willow is fuzzy with catkins.  Give their height, they are safe from my scissors!

Deer or Elk?  Not sure - the prints are quite large and the impression into the mud is quite deep.  Could be a large Buck (Deer)...or Elk...I think the close spacing of the hooves indicates a deer.

The Big Creek is flowing nicely - I confess to liking it better 'normal' rather than when it is roaring along at 'flood stage'.

Lastly, the Madrone is sending out candelabras of new growth.

While Tom-Cat does not appear impressed, I hope you enjoyed today's walk.


  1. Your scissor companion will be wonderful - love the pink fabric. What beautiful pictures from your walk. Love the one of the nest, especially!

  2. Tom Cat missed out on a lovely walk. I am always drawn to checkerboard edgings that are crisp looking.

  3. I love your photo's they are so full of life and different, not just pretty flowers, your stitching looks good so far

  4. I always enjoy the walks, but I can't blame the cats for wanting to stay inside when it's wet...they just can't tolerate it like we can. =) Cute pink fabric!!

  5. Nice new start - anything on pink must turn out fabulous! Your photos are so lovely, I especially enjoyed the confections from Valentines Day - yummy!

  6. Hello

    Just found your blog.

    Your start is very pretty. I love the pink fabby.

    Your photos from your walk are beautiful.

    Tom-Cat is very handsome.

  7. Some days I feel like Tom Cat,but today your walk looked so inviting!

  8. The colour of your linen is scrumptious.

    Wishing you a good weekend with lots of stitching time.

  9. Love your new start!

    It's so nice to see new growth springing forth--it makes the gray days more bearable.

  10. Love the cat and love the walks!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.