Friday, February 17, 2012

Mittens and Birds

I do not have many WIPs.  If I start something, I usually finish it up (even if I've lost interest).  Recently while flailing about in my Stash, I came across this old Cricket Collection stitch.  I think I stopped because it is 10 count Tula and uses something like 4 strands of floss.  But since I've been a bit of a Mitten Maniac lately, I pulled it out with the intention of finishing it up.

Today is the first day of the Great Backyard Bird Count.
Our Team is raring to go sound asleep.  I'll have to do the best I can on my own this morning.

I do have a pretty big rooting section.

I just need to get out a couple of bird identification guides...

...and print off my "Watch List"... 

...and start counting!

It will be interesting to see how many different types of Winter birds are hanging out right now. 

I expect to count Juncos, Chickadees, Jays, Mourning Doves, California Quail, Red Tail Hawks, Hairy Woodpeckers, Anna's Hummingbirds, Flickers, Robins, Starling, Finches, Wrens and Sparrows. 


  1. 6 strands...sounds like torture, but the cute mittens are worth it.

    Cute pic of the chickadee...another of my favorites. And I'm glad your feline helpers are asleep for the bird count!

    Have fun.


  2. I saw something about the backyard bird count on facebook this morning. I had never heard of it. I love birds, but i don't believe I'd know what they were called it I saw one. Your pictures of birds are so beautiful.

  3. hahahah your team looks how i feel love the photos and hope you get your count done :) love mouse xxxx

  4. I like your mittens, Cricket Collection designs have a look all of their own.

  5. Good luck on your count! The mittens are very cute!

  6. WoW, I wish I could say the same that I finish everything I start.

  7. I've never stitched with more than three threads so I admire you for tackling six, Beth! It it hard to keep the threads from twisting up?

    Lovely birds, but that tiny chickadee is my favorite!

  8. Love your birdies as always! I did my bird counting after I got home from work. It was almost raining this morning and not a bird was about! Tonight--different story! Sun was waning, had warmed a tiny itty bitty bit, and the birds were chattering a-plenty! I did not see the great birds you did, but I live in a fair sized city! Fun fun fun! Good luck on the mittens. I did a stocking on a big count and used four strands. Not my favorite stitching experience but the stocking sure is cute! Hugs!

  9. A fantastic variety of birds...and your counting squad is doing a supperb job. LOL Cats are the best! Lovely progress on your mittens too.

  10. Ooooo. 4 strands of floss? That doesn't sound very fun to me either. lol
    But it *is* a super cute design!


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