Saturday, February 18, 2012

Organizing and Birding

I'm very fortunate to have a large room dedicated to my hobbies.

But even then, things can get really out of control!

Since I'm trying to stitch thematically month-by-month this year, I decided it was time to organize my charts.

Believe it or not, these photos represent the beginning of some semblance of organization - Patriotic, Noah's Ark, Spring/Easter, Chickens, Valentines, Gardening, Crows/Blackbirds, Halloween, Autumn, Thanksgiving, Snowmen, Christmas...

The weather was not wonderful for the first day of the Great Backyard Bird Count.  I enumerated most of my species in the 7-8am hour.
Here's the report I sent in:
      Count     Species
  • 13 California Quail            
  • 01 Red-tailed Hawk           
  • 25 Mourning Doves              
  • 08 Steller's Jays                   
  • 02 Western Scrub-Jays          
  • 03 Black-capped Chickadee s 
  • 02 American Robins              
  • 05 European Starlings           
  • 02 Spotted Towhees             
  • 06 Dark-eyed Juncos (Oregon)
  • 08 House Finchs                  
  • 06 Pine Siskins                    
 I was disappointed not to see any Hummingbirds or Woodpeckers to add to the report.  I still have Saturday and Sunday.  We'll see what today brings.  I was pleased to read in my comments that a couple of Followers have decided to participate in the Bird Count.  I hope they enjoy it. 

Here's a Sign of Spring - Violets!

An In-Town friend picked this small posy.
Oh, the smell! 


  1. I"m overwhelmed at the number of patterns you had laying out! Wow! Can't wait to watch you stitch this year.

    Violets - I'm still a month away from flowers here in Ohio. Give them a good sniff for me.

  2. You have given yourself a big job. I did something like that last summer. It is worth the effort. I wish I could send you a few woodpeckers. We think it is the suet that has drawn them to our feeder. Have a great week-end.

  3. I just saw a little quip on another blog that said "you don't know what you have until you clean your room" -- soooo true. Good luck withe bird count!

  4. Good luck with your counting and organizing. I am with you on the organizing front - been working on it for the last 4 - 5 weekends.

  5. It is amazing how quickly charts build up, stashaholism is very contagious.

  6. Good luck with your organizing!! I can never find another way of doing it vs. just grouping it by designer.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.