Monday, February 27, 2012

Did I Say Smyrna?

The weather this weekend left something to be desired.  I guess that's because it was 'typical' February weather - cold, windy, rainy, snowy and some hail.  I've gotten spoiled with mild gray and/or sunny days.  Anyway, I used the weather as an excuse, and on Sunday I buckled down on stitching the border of "Wonderland".  Speaking of the border, I misspoke earlier.  The border pattern is Rhodes stitch, cross, cross, cross, cross, Rhodes stitch.... (not Smyrna).

Despite the cold nasty weather, Parvati Patel wanted outside.  She then proceeded to let me know just how unhappy she was with the elements - too cold, too windy, too wet. 

While my sister was outside weeding a flowerbed, Victor Vulture came by.  I told her, "Keep moving and he'll lose interest!"

It was a good day for Juncos...

And Sparrows...

..and more Juncos.

But it was an especially good day for Padma Patel - Indoor Cat and Nap Specialist.


  1. Good progress on your border and great bird shots, as always! Love the napping Padma!

  2. I think that mixed border is going to look great! I think Padma Patel had the right idea about last week-end!

  3. Nice stitching progress! Love the bird photos, and the pic of Parvati Patel vocalizing her displeasure with the weather is hysterical! LOL

  4. I always love pieces that incorporate different stitches... That border is looking great, Beth :)

    That Parvati hasn't learned to hide her true feelings very well, has she!! Too cute!

  5. I have to say that sparrows are one of our favourite kind of birds. Here in Lisbon they are really shy, but in Paris, if you stop in a garden to eat something, here they come to see what they can have. DH had a wonderfull time letting them eat at his hand, one time! Your cats, seeing so many birds around, must go crazy one time or another! Or are they veggie? :-)

  6. Great progress on the Rhodes stitches! I love doing specialty sticthes. Your pictures are all beautiful! I really love the nap specialist!! So Cute!!


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