Sunday, February 26, 2012

Saturday Morning Surprise

It's February, right?  I guess I should not have been surprised to awake Saturday morning to a light snow fall and snow showers.

Fortunately the bird feeders were reasonable full.

And it certainly was pretty.

Is it a light snow shower though when it is wet and heavy enough to collect on the tail feathers of a Mourning Dove... 

...and the backs of the California Quail?

Poor guys...

They didn't suffer long.
It was what I call a "Stealth Snow".  Most of it fell while I was still asleep, then the temperatures warmed up, and it was all gone before noon.


  1. Oh my Beth!! No snow for me thank you~~ I just love your nature shots and your progresses of course!

    Take care my friend.... Aren't those stelth snows the best???


  2. You must have gotten the snow that we got on Friday. Quite a surprise, but Spring isn't too far off and it was nice to see some white stuff. We haven't had much of it this year.

  3. We had a bit of snow here on Saturday, too--luckily is melted quickly! Those poor Mourning Doves--looks like they really aren't used to the snow at all...

  4. We had a few flurries up here, but nothing stuck! The good thing is, it brings birds to the feeder. Great Photos!

  5. Hum!! Love the flowers (from three posts ago), love the bunnies but have to love even more the poor birds in the snow. Glad it stoped quickly!
    Best regards


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