Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring in a Barrow

Crescent Colours 'Wasabi' arrived in the mail Monday. 

So I was able to fill in one of the Samsarah mittens Monday evening.
One down - one to go.

It's Tuesday and it's time for a Garden Party.

First let me present "Spring in a (Wheel) Barrow".
I have nine pots including: Muscari latifolium, Muscari 'Ocean Magic', a mix of Muscari and Narcissus, Tulips 'Border Legend', and Narcissus 'Chinese Sacred Lilies'.  I've had these pots outside - under the eaves.  Now it's time to move them to the Front Porch where I can enjoy them.  

These must be the 'Chinese Sacred Lilies'.

And this is one of the Muscaris.

Some things have over-wintered well, like this primula. 

And some things are ready to grow - like these peas. 

This pale yellow Witch Hazel has come into its own...

As has this pale yellow Hellebore. 

Ah snowdrops - we bought this clump two weeks ago at NW Garden Nursery. 

The earliest of daffodils, 'Tete-a-Tete', are in full bloom now.
The gray bleakness of December has been superceded by the color of February. 


  1. I love your stitching and your flowers. We have no flowers coming up yet. Where do you live? More South? I'm in Va. I want to garden so much, but have no idea what to do.

  2. Very pretty colors in this one, Beth!

    Nice to see some daffodils in bloom--ours probably won't be out for another 3 or 4 weeks!

  3. The mitten adoragble! I love seeing your plants. Did you buy starts at the nursery for the Muscari? I love that plant. All of a sudden we are so cold up here. On Sun. I bought a lovely white hellebore and not sure if I should hold off planting until the weather gets more seasonal.Thanks for sharing the beauty!

  4. yooo hoo just catching up again .... love the rhodes stitch border and cute mitten love the thread colour and spring is coming with all those beautiful spring flowers out in bloom now :) love mouse xxxxx

  5. This is such a lovely time of year, I found a beautiful display of tulips out today.


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