Sunday, January 8, 2012

Up High...Down Low

Yesterday was yet another mild semi-sunny day.

The day began as cloudy and gray, with the Steller's Jays perched in a Big Leaf Maple.

The Mourning Doves were up high too.

I always feel as though I'm being judged as I put out the sunflower seed.

Fortunately, the Quail appear happy with my generosity.

Tom-Cat and Parvati spent most of the afternoon outside enjoying the sunshine and watching "their people" as they performed outdoor chores - mowing in January!?!?  Is that weird or what?


  1. I have two friends that mowed Christmas weekend in Louisville! Our grass is still green, but it isn't growing much - thank goodness!

  2. In this house anyway, we do seem to be an endless source of amusement for our cats. :D
    As much as I dislike cutting the grass, a warm day might just be worth it.

  3. yup mowing this time of year is defo weird .... love the blue bird watching you :) love mouse xxxxx

  4. LOL--it's definitely weird to mow in January--my husband did that yesterday! LOL Great pics!

  5. With us the grass often grows all year round so the mower is kept pretty busy.

    We go through lots of bird seed and peanuts but we get so much pleasure from watching the birds and hearing their chorus. The badgers visit us everynight for a peanut feast. The hunt was here yesterday and the fox failed to appear for his feed. I hope he will appear tonight, I have stayed up late to watch. I will fear the worse if he doesn't show.


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