Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Critter Report

I think the Chipmunks win the "Cute Contest" every time.
Why don't we look cute when we are stuffing our faces?

Once again, there were three bunnies to greet me...

...and a rather demanding Steller's Jay too!

I ended up with a large group of Mourning Doves as well. 

Here's why one should not have a Chipmunk as a pet - look at the claws on the wee beastie.

On the front porch, seated comfortably on a mullein, this Anna's Hummingbird scolded me something fierce.

Here's the reason why - I was too close to the Witch Hazel.

I backed up, and everyone was happy (if blurry) once again.

 How many sunflower seeds can Chip eat?


  1. Wow - those nails on Chip look like they could use a manicure - LOL!! And you are right, he does take the prize for cuteness!

  2. I love the expression on the jay's face.

  3. Great photos, as always. What lens are you using?

    P.S. I think Chip can eat/store an unlimited number of sunflower seeds. That seems to be what happens here.


  4. How do you get so close to the chipmunks. I don't know what I love more...the wildlife or the needlework. Have you seen the kits I got recently. I'm not sure if you follow my blog or not but would love for you to check mine out. Your blog is hands down my favorite. I love the new charts you have gotten for this year.

  5. I loved seeing Mr Chip and his friends! They are all so cute! Great pictures! We had a chipmunk living in a piule of firewood. We would not take wood from his stack.. We called it the Chipmunch Commune!! lol They are so fun to watch!

  6. A very enjoyable post. I love seeing wildlife photos especially of species that we don't see in the UK.

  7. I forget, I wanted to ask what camera and lens you use fir your nature shots.

  8. Luyy you that you have a lens that lets you take those close ups undisturbed. Those chipmunks are gorgeous.

  9. Oh, I love all of these, Beth, but yes, the chipmunks are my favorites. Who can resist those chubby cheeks--I just want to pinch them :)

  10. I love chipmunks, even with their not so wee beastie claws! It seems I always live in an area with squirrels, and chipmunks don't do so well against them.


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