Monday, January 9, 2012

Trying to Get in a Winter Groove

Except for the fact that it freezes at night, the weather as of late has not felt much like January.  Nonetheless, I decided to stay thematically with the calendar, and I kitted up "Flip it - January" by Lizzie Kate.

Proof of our unseasonable weather is documented below...

Who gardens north of the Mason-Dixon line in January...without a coat?
My sister!

Who should  be sunning themselves in parts further south than Lane County?
These three Turkey Vultures were part of a group of six that showed up Sunday.  With stretched wings, they basked in the warmth of the sun. 

Okay, I confess, my sister was not the only one gardening Sunday afternoon.  I planted up this chocolate brown pot for my Mother.  I used a Hebe, an Agave, and Santolina as the three accent plants.  Then I filled in with thyme and wire-plant to drape over the container.


  1. I do so love your posts and photos. Your birds are so different from ours. No gardening for us today another wet winter's day but mild.

    Just settling down to stitch a rabbit on And They Sinned.

  2. We are having such a mild winter here, too. Last week we had gale force winds and hail--but the wind has calmed down and I was out in my spring jacket today. Crazy!

  3. Great planter box you did for your mother. Its been unseasonably warm in San Diego too, don't think the furnace has been on in the house for 3 or 4 weeks. Something about a mega high pressure system just parked over the west coast.

  4. It is unseasonably warm here too, but that didn't get me going like it did you and your sister! And, I probably could do without the turkey vultures (shudder).

    Love anything L*K, so I am really going to like this piece!

  5. Hasn't the weather been bizarre? I'm not complaining though. I want it to stay this way! :D Love your next project! And your header pic!

  6. love the chart you have picked to do...snowmen are is the header of your blog by the way...all those great snowmen!!!
    We have had warmer than normal Jan weather too!!!

  7. we have been pottering about with out coats on too just doing a general tidy up ... love the planter for your mum and nice new pick :0 love mouse xxxx

  8. Speaking of turkey buzzards, I saw one this past weekend too! I was driving to the Dunkin Donuts in my neighborhood for a maple donut treat, and saw this HUGE bird in the street I was coming to... and when I rolled closer, I thought "what a big crow!" but then I saw how UGLY it was and knew it was a turkey buzzard, plus the squirrel carcass he was hoarding kind of gave it away! Yecch they are nasty! We had a pleasant weekend in weather but today is rainy and cold. Hugs!

  9. Your garden box is lovely - beautiful combination of colors!


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