Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Bunnies

From The Cross Stitch Archive

Design - "Plaid Bunny"
Chart - "The Bunny Collection"
Designer - JBW Designs
Fabric - 28 count White Cashel linen 
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 6 August 2010
Completed - 8 August 2010 

I thought I'd post a photo of an Indoor Bunny, as recently all my Outdoor Bunnies decided to make an appearance.

The first bunny to arrive.

The second bunny - this is the one with the white blaze on his/her forehead.

Bunnies #1 and #2.

Oh, and here hops Bunny #3!

One, Two, Three in a row - safe in the protection of the brier patch!


  1. Lovely colours in your stitched bunny, they work well together.

  2. d'aww bunnies! I have a bunny in my yard, but she/he only shows up at night, and usually when I'm pulling into the yard so I always have to be careful not to run it over. :)

  3. All those bunnies are so cute! Love the colors on the stitched bunny.

  4. Cute bunny stitch. There for a moment, I thought you were giving us a test. I couldn't find bunny #3 for a while - but I passed!! LOL

  5. awwww cute ... they look very happy in there and love the indoor bunny too :) love mouse xxxx

  6. I love your cross stitch bunny and those colors, great job!
    and I do love bunnies outside and inside ones--thanks for sharing the photos.
    Hugs, Di

  7. All your bunnies, both indoor and out are adorable :)

  8. Sweet bunnies--stitched and real! :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.