Saturday, January 28, 2012

Frosty Birds

Thursday night / Friday morning was forecast to be cold - 22F.  Instead we dipped to just 31F, but with a heavy frost. This morning it is colder - and frostier (is that a word?) - 29F. 

Under the watchful eye of a Steller's Jay, I put out sunflower seeds.

I was assisted by an Oregon Towhee (in the back) and a Golden-Crowned Sparrow (front).

The sparrow was willing to pose for a few photos.

She felt her right side was her 'best'...

Followed by a full-on profile! 

I don't know the variety of this sweet little guy.  Some kind of sparrow I think.  Everyone was puffed with down against the cold this morning. 


  1. How beautiful, with the frosty background just making the birds stand out even more.

  2. awww puffed up birds brrrrr and the last little fellow looks like our sparrows ... we have had glorious sunshine today and just a bit cold ... birds loved that I filled up their feeder though ... :) love mouse xxxx

  3. Love the birds, it's cold here too. Our temperature has dropped quite a bit and this morning it was very frosty.

  4. You have gorgeous backyard residents...I confess, I've never seen a stellar jay before and he's beautiful, being from the south east I grew up loving bluejays but he's a real beauty! And I would take a guess and say that the questionable pretty is a male version of the sparrow above him.

  5. I really enjoy your bird pictures!! The close ups are wonderful.

  6. The Stellar Jay is a fine looking fellow! Absolutely handsome amid the frosty limbs!!! Great pics.

  7. More great pictures! Thanks! Off to read more about birding this fine Saturday evening... Hugs!

  8. How striking the Stellar Jay looks surrounded by the frosty limbs! I know that the down does keep the birds warm, but I still feel bad for them in the cold.

  9. Beautiful pictures. The Jay is such a fantastic colour.

  10. I just love your bird photos! I love that sparrow--what a cute little fattie. LOL


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