Monday, January 30, 2012

Commemorating Our January Snow!

Here it is, here it is, here it is! 

Design - "January Snow"
Designer - Twisted Threads
Fabric - 28 count Cream / Natural Gingham Riviera linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads

Colors used: Black Crow, Cidermill Brown, Cornflower, Lavender Potpourri, Morning Glory, Nutmeg, Oatmeal, Old Blue Paint, and Peacock.  I also added a JABC Snowflake button.

Okay, okay, okay look at this!  The perfect frame!
A perfect fit!

Here are my Gratuitous Snow Photos - from January 2004 - 8 years ago now.
This was a heavy, wet snow.  We were without power for almost a week.

It was pretty...

...and destructive.  We lost several large trees.

No snowmen were built during this snowfall.


  1. Oh, your new little snowman is really sweet, and the frame is perfect.


  2. ohhhh that's a fab finish and gorgeous frame for it too :) and coooo you got a lot of snow ... hope you are all ok and sorry you couldn't build a snowman :( love mouse xxxx

  3. A perfect match! Love your snowman and love it more with the frame you picked out!!

  4. Sweet finish! I love that little frame!

  5. What an adorable snow guy! And the frame is simply perfect - love its dottiness! I think pictures remembering a big snow may be a lot more enjoyable than the big snow - LOL - winter here has been unusually mild and I am happy about that. Temps tomorrow in the upper 50s! woo-hoo My son will be breaking out his cargo shorts.

  6. What a cute piece. Looks like you got your share of snow!

  7. I love your cute little finish and the frame is perfect

  8. Very cute finish!! And your snow looks wonderful. We've been hopelessly deficient in our part of the world.

  9. Oh, wow, what a snowfall. At least you were able to see to stitch that cutie!

  10. The snowman is adorable and the frame perfect! Your landscape looks just like what we had up here in Seattle!

  11. Wonderful finish and great snow pics. Sorry for the devastation!

  12. Cute finish and perfect frame!

  13. Oh another finish that I love--great job and don't you just love it when 2 things come together==like the snowman and then the frame!!!
    Me thinks your readers did not read your post==and that those snow pictures are from a few years back!!!
    Keep stitching--
    Smiles and hugs, Di

  14. Your snowman is adorable, I love the fabric and the frame. I know the photos are from a few years ago but it's not nice to see trees down, they take so long to grow.

  15. Oh, isn't he dear in his little baseball cap! And what a nice find in that frame, Beth--it really is perfect for him.

    How do you like stitching on the gingham linen? I just bought a couple of charts that call for it, but haven't bought any yet.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.