Monday, December 12, 2011

What I Did This Weekend

Design - "Reindeer" (Small Freebie Chart to be used in conjunction with PS charts #100 & #101)
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Antique White linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 threads over 2 strands
Started - 8 December 2011
Completed - 11 December 2011

The chart has no name - I decided to call it "Reindeer" for obvious reasons.  I especially like the pattern of the greenery and red berries.

Besides a little stitching, on Sunday I set up my collection of creches.  They are safely displayed behind a set of glass fronted cabinets (Cat-free!).

This is how I set up the left cabinet.

The creche in the center is my newest - I just got it last year.  It's called "Pillars of Heaven" and has several different ways / patterns the pillars can be displayed.  

This shelf has an Hallmark nesting creche from 2001 and a Sue Dreamer folk art style creche.

This is one of my favorites, it's called "The Bethlehem Experience".

The cabinet on the right also has three shelves with a variety of creches including the large traditional one on the bottom shelf.

The top shelf holds a nativity scene by Williraye and a plastic / resin one by Sue Dreamer.  

The creche is by Hallmark.

The three piece white nativity scene is by Lenox.  I gave it to my maternal grandmother many years ago, and was given it back after she passed away.  Grams even saved my original gift tag in the box so I have that too. 
On the left is a small 'Peanuts' creche by Hallmark.  On the right is another Hallmark creche.

I have one more creche to set up, but that will reside in the Family room.  My project for today is to begin to decorate our large media center bookcases.  They provide the focal point for the room.


  1. Sweet little reindeer. :)
    I love your collection of creches! I try to pick a favorite, but can't. They are all lovely and unique in their own way. I also enjoyed your different tin collections from your previous post. :)

  2. Congratulations on the finish! What a fantastic collection!! Pillars of Heaven is really cool...never seen anything like it.

  3. What a beautiful collection of creches. Reindeer turned out really cute!

  4. Such a great collection, Beth--and how nice that you have a safe, cat-free zone to display them :)

    The PS reindeer is very cute, too!

  5. I have loved seeing all the different creches from all over the world. What a great exhibit! Then today we get a glimpse of yours! Magnificent! The Peanuts one makes me smile, and the one to the far right from them is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing--loved it! Hugs!

  6. aww the finish reindeer is cute and love how you have your creches displayed they are lovely ... thanks for the peek :) love mouse xxxx

  7. B-E-A-Utiful!! I love all of your creches. I kept looking at each picture and thinking that the set in it was my favorite, till I scrolled to the next pic. :) I love Sue Dreamer and Williraye, but I also love Peanuts and Hallmark and... you get the idea. ;)

    Congratulations on the finish!

  8. I love the reindeer finish, it has a very Scandinavian feel to it.


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