Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'm Thinking a Series This Time

I'm thinking that I might get really inspired here and stitch several of the ornaments from "A Prairie Christmas".  I'm taken with the squirrel, the partridge, the rabbit, the deer, the cat, and the Noah's Ark.  Hmm...that's six isn't it?  I think I'll begin with the cat and see how it goes.  The challenge this time of year is carving out some time, no matter how little, to stitch.
I do have my Christmas groove-thing back.  Proof:  I spent most of yesterday (a lovely clear, crisp, sunny day that begged me to be outside) inside decorating.  This is my small collection of hand carved Santas.  Before he retired, I used to ride the bus with a gentleman who is a true Renaissance Man - very gifted and extremely knowledgeable.  Amongst his many talents is carving wood figures.  He carved and his talented wife painted the finished products.  He used to have a sale once a year and I was lucky enough to be invited to attend.

These are a couple of Hallmark feather trees.  I guess I've collected several "Count Down" figures over the years as well.

These are snowmen by the designer Sue Dreamer.  I've had them for years - long enough one of the poor fellows has lost his nose!

And here's the last nativity in my collection.  This is a large one, the pieces are 8"-10" tall.  It's by Williraye.  I love all the animals - the chicken, the sheep, and the tiger striped kitty-cat.


  1. Lovely collections Beth...

    And, I love the series idea, especially if it's a PS series, LOL!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. I hope you find the time to stitch that you are looking for. I love this chart too. Prairie Schooler is so addictive. I would start with the cat myself. Love the little feather trees. I love this years Hallmark commercial about the count down Santa's. I still need to get out there, I hope I can find one out there to purchase.
    Merry Christmas.

  3. SQUIRREL! =)

    What a treasure to have those hand-carved Santas, especially since you know the artist!

  4. sending spare hours over *swish * love the ps chart and can't wait to see how you get one ... ohhhh your ornaments are fab and just love that stripy cat :) love mouse xxxx

  5. Ooh... more really nice collections! I sure am enjoying your blog posts! Thanks so much! Hugs!

  6. OK--are we psychic or what, Beth. First you stitch Cranberry Deer Pinkeep while I'm working on the same thing and now I just finished an ornament from this chart. And guess which one it was--yep, the cat... Cue the spooky music :)

    I stitched the deer, the rabbit, the house, and the camel years ago--really should dig them up and refresh them a bit.

    Your hand-carved Santas are adorable...

  7. Beautiful collections! I love the hand carved santas--I have a few and they are treasured. I don't see anybody doing them here but got one in Estes Park, Colorado and then another at a craft fair in Pennsylvania.

    Love the PS ornaments--they do such great Christmas designs.

  8. Oh boy, do I want that Williraye set. I love Williraye in general and have a number of pieces from them, but not that set. Maybe Santa will be good to me this year and leave one under the tree for me. :)

  9. I don't have that PS - looks like a great series! I am starting an animal ornament tree so far with a flamingo, otter and horse. So these would be perfect.

    If you know where to get extra stitching time, let me know. I have resorted to storing small kits in my guest bathroom and hiding in there for some peace and quiet!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.