Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Here We Come!

I finally found my Christmas Decorating Mojo...or I internalized Nike's slogan and "Just Did It".  Either way, I'm off to a decent start.

The Breakfast Nook

My Tin Collection - Santas

Santas - Close up

My Tin Collection - Angels

Angels - Close up 

My Tin Collection - Reindeer

Reindeer - Close up

As far as decorating the Outside World though, I have met my match!   
Isn't this just the greatest tree?

I love the Dr. Seuss-style wackiness of it all.

No lights in this outdoor tree, only these monstrous ornaments.

I appreciate the rugged individualism of it.


  1. Oooh, I love your decorating! Your tin collection is fabulous--love it!

  2. It must be the weekend for it, we did lots of decorating yesterday. Your tin collections are amazing.

  3. Glad your Christmas decorating spirit has surfaced, Beth. I got a lot done this weekend, too--now just need to get at those cards!!

    Love your tins and the outside tree is fabulous :)

  4. Great tin collection. I have a lot of big tins that I use for my cookies during this time.

    That tree is really cool - DH and I saw some of those large shatterproof ornaments when we were out shopping this weekend.

  5. I just love the tins. I so love your blog-the wildlife and the stitching. I admire how you get things done. I tend to have trouble sticking with things. I start a lot but dont always get them finished. How do you stay on task and get so much accomplished.

  6. Love the outdoor tree! Who needs lights with those whimsical and beautiful ornaments?

  7. God, what a great collection!!! Tins........I just never thought to collect those. HUH. I might have to rethink that!


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