Saturday, December 10, 2011

More Creches

There were so many lovely and interesting creches on display at the LDS church last weekend.  Here are some others that caught my eye.

The card noted that this Lenox nativity had been lovingly put together over a number of years.  There certainly are lots of different pieces - Wise Men and camels, Shepherds and sheep, Angels and animals.

This nativity resonated with me - very tranquil.

This is a typical Mexican creche scene.

Each piece in this creche has a band of gold glitter that ties it all together. 

I like the smooth curves of this creche.

A glass creche.

I thought this display really interesting with the creche scene at the top and market scenes along the sides and bottom.

The milk and dark chocolate colors of the creche and the large clock - all very interesting.

I liked the 'almost' manager used for a backdrop of this creche.

Now it's time to go put out my small collection of creches!  


  1. It is so fascinating to see the different creches in the different designs. Very lovely.

  2. isn't amazing all the different types ....I am not sure which is my favourite .... can't wait to see yours :) love mouse xxxx


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