Friday, December 9, 2011

Reindeer and Woodpeckers

I worked on this Prairie Schooler Reindeer for a couple of hours in the evening.  I should be able to finish it up this weekend.

The cold weather has brought all my Woodpeckers to the feeders.

This shot of our "Ali-baba" fountains gives you an idea of the number of hours of sub-freezing temperatures. 

Tuesday, while cold, gifted us with a blue blue blue sky.
I could hear the Flicker pounding away on the metal gutter long before I saw him.  I like how you can see his bright orange under feathers and the dotted pattern on his breast.

This female Hairy Woodpecker is a frequent visitor.  

She's a Peanut Addict.

I was pleased to see this female Downy Woodpecker too.  It had been several weeks without a sighting. 

She is much smaller than the Hairy Woodpecker.  Her bill is shorter too.  She seems to prefer the mullein and suet to the peanuts.
The Red-breasted Sapsucker, while not at the feeders, was easy enough to find as he worked on one of our large Douglas Fir Trees.

I had hope to end this post with a new photo of a Pileated Woodpecker.  While I was outside Thursday morning, I heard one calling as it flew along - and I had my camera handy too.  Unfortunately the Woodpecker did not deign to stop, but continued to fly along past our property.  I wonder how many acres a large bird like a Pileated or a Great Horned Owl needs to have a viable ecosystem...questions, always questions!


  1. oooo its made me feel brrrr looking at the icey ali barbar jar .. gorgeous shots of the birds again and sorry can't help with an answer :( love mouse xxxx

  2. I love the sharpness of the colours in your new stitch. It looks very good so far.


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