Monday, October 10, 2011

Autumn Stitches and Animals

I'm still very much in a Halloween mood.  It's great to have a kit already to go when the spirit moves me.

Saturday morning the sun shone and everyone came out to play!

The quail and chipmunks battled over sunflower seeds.  

The hummingbirds battled over territory.

Apparently this one won.

This sweet fawn had to take one last look at the Outdoor Cats before following her mother into the tall grass.


  1. Wise little fawn - they are such gentle creatures.

  2. the animals is very lovely

    marylin From France

  3. That's a great fall sampler. The little fawn melts my heart -- until they eat my flowers - LOL!

  4. Love your Halloween header! You certainly can't go wrong with a HIH piece!

    happy stitching....

  5. Cute little Halloween sampler! All your animals look very happy to be there!

  6. oooo nice new start to do and love your photos and that fawn is adorable :) love mouse xxxx

  7. How do you get all these great animal/bird shots?!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.