Sunday, October 9, 2011

October @ The Farmers' Market

It turned out to be a lovely morning, so I bagged the Fall decorating to go down to the Farmers' Market.

October produce included Peppers...

...and Grapes...

...and Winter Squash.

The variety and abundance of produce is remarkable - especially considering we've had cool, wet weather the last several days.

Each week, this is my downfall - the bakeries.  There are four or five of them, so it is a constant temptation when walking about the Market.
Croissants, and brownies, and pain au chocolate...arghh!
I must have them all.

This week there was a nice selection of apples...

...and more Squash...

Even Basil!

This is the first time I remember seeing Elderberries.

Sweet Leaf of Junction City, OR wins hands down with this amazing display.


  1. I'd vote for the Sweet Leaf display, too. Thanks for sharing the beautiful harvests.

  2. You've made me hungry! How nice to have such a great market nearby, and that you take advantage of it. Enjoy!

  3. Wow, your farmers market puts the ones around me to shame. I would have gone too. You can always decorate when it is raining.
    Cool photo's too. Postcard shots!

  4. It is amazing how beautiful farm produce can be - thanks for showing us.

  5. Ooooooo, I love that last photo!! I would use that as a desktop photo for sure. I love all the colors.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.