Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Boo and "Boo-quets"

Design - "Boo Tyme"
Designer - Homespun Elegance
Fabric - WDW Gingham/Straw linen
Fibers - DMC & WDW
Started - 5 October 2011
Completed - 7 October 2011

I found a tuck pillow.

So now I can make this design part of my Autumn display.

It's Tuesday, time for a Garden Party.  I thought I'd feature all the wonderful plants and cut-flowers available at our Farmers' Market in October.

Ahh, Sunflowers!

This vendor had asters, dahlias, and chrysanthemums for sale.

More chrysanthemums and daisies.

The cut-flowers featured dahlias...
...and zinnias, and lilies...

I think this blue / peach combination was my favorite.

Though these buttery-yellow dahlias came in a close 2nd. 


  1. Boo is very cute and a great tuck pillow! Flowers are gorgeous!

  2. Boo looks good as a tuck pillow! The flowers are so pretty!

  3. Love your Boo finish! What gorgeous colours of flowers. Here everything has become so dull and dreary.


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