Friday, September 23, 2011

Birds in a Bower - Deer Herd - Rabbit Warren

It's Friday - That's A Good Thing!

I am nowhere near ready to stitch this, but it is listed as my September 2011 Goal Project.  So without further ado, I am happy to present to you:
The Goode Huswife's "Birds in the Bower".  I should have a full set of DMC, but for some reason I'm missing a couple of the colors needed for this...I guess that gives me a reason to procrastinate for a while.

Thursday morning I was lucky enough to see a Great Blue Heron flying low overhead - they are such a wonderfully prehistoric looking bird...of course I did not have my camera with me.

I did have my camera when the Deer Family showed up.
Here's Dad...

and the twins...

...and poor Mom - she's so skinny from nursing you can see her ribs.  

As large as they are, the fawns are still trying to nurse.

And a bevy of bunnies - while these may all look alike, trust me, they are all different - I was practically tripping over them!

Number #2...

...and Number #3.
Actually a group of rabbits is called colony, a drove, or a warren.


  1. It is amazing how comfortable your wildlife is around your home. Our rabbits are really pretty bold, but we rarely see our deer in the daylight.

    Looks like a pretty big project to get done in uuuuuhhhh a week??? LOL

  2. Wow i love the photos you take of the wild life.

  3. Poor momma deer, I hope she can put some weight on before winter sets in.

    Birds in the Bower looks really interesting, its one I haven't seen before. Looking forward to seeing your start on it.

  4. Great wildlife pics!

    I love your September goal project. I dream of doing that GH series but of course haven't stitched one yet. I'll enjoy watching your progress.

  5. Don't you hate when you have a couple DMC threads missing??? (I also hate when I replace them........only to find the originals buried deep somewhere in the WIP pile. Pffft.)

    Love the bunnies!


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