Saturday, September 24, 2011

Autumn is Here

Autumn is here...and this is our last day of 80F temperatures.
Tomorrow it is supposed to rain, and as we've not had any since mid-July, the moisture is much needed. 
In the transition from Summer to Fall, some plants do better than others.  This begonia has not flagged a bit - it is a stellar performer.

I bought some of violas a couple of weeks ago.  They've suffered the 80F+ temperatures without complaining, but I know they will be happier with our upcoming 60F+ days.

The skies have been extraordinary this past week...
We aren't Montana, but these are Pretty Big Skies!

I liked this cloud formation.

Early one morning I counted nine jet contrails...all going north/south.

And I'll leave you with one last lovely cloud formation.
As today is to be warm and sunny, I need to get outside and work on outdoor projects.  Sunday will be a day to cocoon inside. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the sky photos! It looks like the haze from the forest fires is no longer in your area.


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