Thursday, September 22, 2011

Anchors Away!

Here's another of my newly framed pieces...

This is called "Quilter's Ark" by The Cricket Collection.
I love, love, love how the beaded bumps detailed on the frame repeat the pattern of the clouds and sea. 

Design - "Quilter's Ark" 
Chart - "A Little More Seasoning" #111
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 25 count Driftwood Dublin linen 
Fibers - DMC
Started - 20 August 1995
Completed - 4 September 1995
Framed - August 2011 

Yes, that is correct - this poor piece languished for almost 16 years before I got around to getting it framed.  Now I have to wonder why I waited so long.  I think it's charming, and the design has stood the test of time. 

It's another lovely day...
But you wouldn't know it by looking at the furry occupants.

Everyone appears to believe it's the "purrfect" day for a morning nap!
With that kind of ins-"purr"-ation, who knows just what I'll accomplish today! 


  1. Love your stitching , and oh what a beautiful cat.

  2. What a beautifully framed piece - love it!!! and the kitty looks so comfortable!

  3. I agree, you couldn't have chosen a better-suited frame - perfect!

  4. I love Cricket pieces, this one has a lovely balance to it. Your frame sets it off to perfection - or should it be "purrfection".

  5. Cats and framed stitching--what could be better? Love your "Quilter's Ark" finish--great frame choice :)

  6. Awww, your cats are adorable!

    I love your framed Quilter's Ark--the frame is the perfect choice for it. Great job!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.