Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ready or Knot (Not)

That you for your many kind comments on my "Bunny Sampler" finish. 
Next up!
After some fussing and clucking about my stash, "Cluck" by the Stitching Shed is the winner of "What I Shall Next Stitch".  I like the vibrant spring colors and the funkiness of the design. 

To me the month of May = Planting! So, Ready or Not - it's time (weather allowing, as it rained Monday) to get outside! 
As I mentioned, on Sunday my sister and I visited three different local nurseries.  As part of The Tuesday Garden Party I thought I'd share my latest purchases.  Yes - I have Plant Stash too!

This past weekend, Oregonians gloried in the first 70F day, and the plant nurseries were packed with color and people.

While the Nursery Staff were hard at work, Gracie the Cat was working hard to ignore the crowds and chaos!

After three nurseries, we had to return home as there was no room in the car for further purchases!  I ended up with 6 flats of plants which I sorted out into 8 smaller plastic holding flats.  Don't worry - the deer will not eat them - they are now under a wire mesh "cage".  

I had a Master Plan and Master List to work from and did not deviate too much.  I've Salvias, Hyssop, and Calibrachoa... 

Sedums, sedums, and more sedums...along with some creepy-crawly plants like Baby's Tears and Spanish Moss...

I've fuchsias and begonias, ferns and coleus...
More than enough to keep me pleasantly busy the rest of this week (before the plant sales next weekend!)  But to me a perfect morning is spent potting up and planting out my purchases and then staging them about the Front Porch or Back Patio.  I truly am in heaven when I am working with my plants. 


  1. As a chicken lover, your new stitch looks great. Puss cat in the garden centre made me smile.

  2. Love that chicken project! Looking forward to seeing your progress!

    Be sure and show us pictures of the flowers after potting up!

  3. All those beautiful plants you got--they look amazing just grouped together in the containers! And I love the kitty on the computer.

  4. Your new stitch is adorable.

    Your flowers are lovely. I have no green thumb - guess I'll have to watch your gardens grow! lol

  5. Cluck is going to look very cute, great choice. Love your plant stash.

  6. stopping by from an Oregon Cottage, I love the sedum, nice!

  7. Great new pick !! I like Cluck. Your chosen plants look great !! Have fun! I love spending time planting too !!

  8. Oh what an adorable chicken! I' m drooling over your plants. If the rain ever stops I'm going to to garden center and buy a ton of colorful goodies!

  9. I love the chicken! Where did you get him? I must stitch his cute little butt! :)

  10. Wow! Great assortment of finds at the nursery!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.