Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Birds and Such

Nothing on the stitching front I'm afraid.  Yesterday my computer refused to boot up and I am still dealing with that issue - oh the utter frustration!

I thought I'd post some bucolic Spring photos in an effort to "Center" myself and remind myself what is truly important!

So let's take a walk - these first photos are from a walk I took early Saturday morning.

I spied two Goldfinches in the Teasle, and a Bluebird on a fence post...

A Black-capped Chickadee in the thicket...

And a female Turkey in the field...

I ended my walk waiting for Tom Turkey to cross the road - I heard him long before I saw him - "Gobble Gobble!" 

Back at home there were a multitude of Band-tailed Pigeons...

And a Junco kept watch on a Blackberry cane... 

As did a Goldfinch - my Father calls them "Canaries" - they certainly are a wonderfully brilliant yellow~     


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.