Thursday, April 28, 2011

Your Questions Answered!

The great thing about a stitching finish is that I can allow myself another start!  I fell in love with Homespun Sampler's "Sampler Bunny" the minute it was released.  It was an easy choice for my next stitch.  I figure even though it is vaguely Easterish, it is also Springish enough that it makes for a nice end of April / beginning of May stitch. 

And it has "The Brown Bunny Seal of Approval"!

And Now...Your Questions Answered!

1. Several people have asked about the camera I use.  At the beginning of this year I bought a Canon SX210IS.  It has a very powerful zoom lens (up to 56x) and an auto-stabilizer that helps with "long shots".  It also does a more than decent job with floral close-ups.  If you Google it you can find more info.  It runs about $279 which is more than I'd ever spent on an digital camera before, but I think is money well spent.  I'm certainly no Ansel Adams and this camera has allowed me to take some nice shots.

2. My last stitching fabric stash - I will use the R & R Pilgrim Brown to stitch Val's "Have a Heart" and the R & R Fitzgerald's Red to stitch Prairie Moon's "Mistletoe House" from a Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue.  The Vintage Magnolia and Lilac fabrics were purchased "just because" never know!  

3. The Primroses are a new patented variety called Belarina.  They cost me $4.99 each (much more than the 89cent box store primrose), but I think they are worth every penny.  You can find out more about them here.

4. My "Tinker-Toy" Ornament Trees are actually a Hallmark product from 5-6 years ago, and are "out of production", but I expect you could make your own with a box of Tinker Toys.

5. Clos du Bois:  I am fortunate to live on a sizable piece of property.  The acreage includes many different ecosystems including: Wetlands with two seasonal streams, Forest with Fir, Pine, Oak, Ash, Maple, Madrone, Dogwoods, and Cottonwoods; Meadows, Deep Shade, and Sunny Clear-cut areas.  It is on a hill so there are also different levels of elevation - the house site is on top of the hill which makes for some nice vistas.

And now folks I've got to power up so that I can get up Thursday night / Friday morning at 2:30am to watch (live) The Royal Wedding! I so remember watching Charles' and Diana's wedding oh these many years ago. Now a generation's worth of time has flown by, and it is time for her son to marry.  I can't wait to see the dress!


  1. I'm fascinated by the overseas interest in the Royal Wedding tomorrow. Here in Scotland people are quite low key about it all.

  2. You are lucky to live where you live, it looks lovely there. Love those fabric colors!

  3. I think I will set my DVR to record the wedding...I watched Dianna's but not too interested in this one for some reason...have I mentioned how much I love your wonderful...thanks for all the answers...I do love those primrose...and the price sounds worth a couple to me!Check out my blog for a link to a give away...Brooke will be giving away a bag I donated to her for a Mother's Day give away!

  4. Mmmm, I'm waiting for my bunny alpha pattern to arrive so I can stitch it myself. I'm looking forward to seeing how your finish looks.

    Beautiful land you have!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.