Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lizzieland and Hostland

Design - "Flora McSample's Stitch Lesson Sampler"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Lilac Cashel linen
Floss - WDW & Crescent Colors
Started - 16 April 2011
Completed - 25 April 2011

Pretty cute and a nice piece for a youngster (pre-teen, early teen) to learn some new stitches - Rice Stitch, Fan Stitch, Rhodes Stitch, Eyelet Stitch, and Satin Stitch - and working with beads.
While the rains and cool weather continue, Spring nonetheless attempts to "March on to May".

How can you not be happy looking at this Pansy? 

And I am so pleased with my Hostas...

I over-wintered them on the front porch - just shoved the pots under an old picnic bench.

We had two or three spells of very cold weather - 10F-15F and I took no extra precautions...

It would appear that almost all the Hostas survived and are getting ready for another year's show.


  1. I think Pansies are the garden's happy faces - thank you for visiting my blog! Yes, our season is a combination here - very, very short Spring - starts in February - now we're verging on Summer! Hot!
    Hope you have a great weekend,
    love that fabric and pattern by the way,

  2. Such a cute design and beautifully stitched!

  3. Love your LK pretty and different from her normal designs.

    Lovely flowers too.....


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