Friday, April 29, 2011

Wildflowers - Stitching and Outdoors

I'm more than a little sleep-deprived from watching "The Royal Wedding"!
My sister, mother, and I all got up at 2:00am to watch.  

Oh so close!  I do love "Bouquet for March".  I think my color change for the violets was the right thing to do.  Now one cyclamen leaf to go and some "branch work". 

And now, "The Wildflower Report"

Equisetum arvense - Horsetails
Horsetails do not produce seed. Reproduction is by spores. Ancient Romans ate young fertile horsetails as if they were asparagus, and also used it to make tea and as a thickening power. It is found in a wide variety of soils; in moist meadows, forests, swamps, fens and alpine seepage areas, from low to alpine areas.

Heracleum maximum - Cow's Parsnip
Cow's Parsnip is a common, late spring-early summer, perennial, from 3-10 feet tall.  It is erect and stout, strongly scented and covered with long hairs. The stems are single, hollow, usually branched. The leaves are quite large, maple-like, and the flower heads often more than 10 in. across.  It grows in streambanks and open or lightly shaded woods - moist places.

Heuchera glabra - Alpine Alumroot - Coral Bells

I'm not sure that I've correctly identified this plant - I do know that it is a native Heuchera - but most of the plant details for native Heucheras state that they reside in rocks and crevises, and this is growing quite happily along side a trail about 10 feet from a seasonal stream.


  1. I hope you enjoyed the Royal event. I was so glad the rain stayed away so that we could all enjoy the splendour of the occasion.

  2. Bouquet is coming along nicely! Your color choice for the violets is perfect!

    Thanks for the nature walk!

  3. I got up at 4:30 for the wedding. And then fell asleep after they went back to Buckingham. Totally missed the kiss. :(

    Recently found the Bouquet series - must ask how do you intend to finish them?

  4. Bouquet is really looking good. I do like your color change.

    Well, you are three for three - i did not know any of these plants. That horsetail is really strange looking.


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