Saturday, April 30, 2011

Friday's Reflections and Saturday's Plans

Friday was a joyous and sorrowful day.  Both emotions were personified with Processions.
I so enjoyed watching the Royal Wedding.  The pageantry, the mix of centuries of tradition with a modern, personal stamp.  The joy and hope and love that are part of any beginning - any marriage - royal or not.  The Procession of Carriages and Military Bands and of "Common People" moving down the Mall to Buckingham Palace.
Later in the day I watched a Procession of another sort.  The funeral cortege of Eugene Police Officer Chris Kilcullen. 450 vehicles - Police - Sheriff - Firemen - National Guard - from the state of Oregon, SW Washington, and Idaho were in the Procession to honor the first Eugene police officer killed since 1934.  A very moving, stirring, and sorrowful event. 
When I lived in Ireland I was next door to a neighborhood church.  Often I would notice a wedding in the morning, followed by a funeral the same afternoon.  Life is like that - giving and taking away. 

I'm enjoying stitching "Sampler Bunny" - I expect to have it finished before the weekend is over. 

Outside our patch of Shooting Stars - Dodecatheon alpinum - grows apace.  They are located in a very damp, deep-shade location.  I hope to have pictures of the flowers shortly.

My large group of 16 California Quail have split up into couples and smaller units.  I now see no more than 6-8 together at any one time.   

And I'm not seeing the deer all that often, though they did manage to walk up on the back patio and heartily chomp on a new fuchsia - "Double Otto" that I bought a few days ago. 

The weather - finally - is supposed to be wonderful this weekend.  I need to get out and take a census of my plants - what has survived - what needs to be replaced.  May is a great month for local plant sales and nursery tours - I must get organized! 

1 comment:

  1. Can't way to see Sampler Bunny finished. It is such a cute design!


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