Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something for Everyone!

I titled this post "Something for Everyone" so I'm rambling a bit about cross stitch, plants, and THE WEATHER!

First up cross stitch: I was able to work on La-D-Da's "'Tis Better..." last night and I think I will finish it up today.  A very sweet stitch - lovely rich colors on a subtle gray linen.


We are wimps here in western Oregon and school has been cancelled for a skiff of snow on the ground.  I thought all you northern tier folk would be most amused!

And now continuing my NW Garden Nursery tour...

Even the door on the house was cool and arty!

This blooming scrub was lovely.

I liked how the structure of plants was echoed 

with the garden hard-scape!

I am fond of silvery plants...

and shocking chartreuse plants too.

I loved this birdbath too!


  1. Gorgeous snowy picture ,and lovely stitching too . X

  2. Darling stitching! Hate the snow - we got another inch last night with 6-8" expected tonight. Blech! I'm SO over it! Stay warm - the garden pics are lovely - I really like the spider centered hard scape and that bird bath - so pretty!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.