Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Continuing Our Tour...

I managed to carve out a little time to work on Brightneedle's "Twin Hearts Sampler".  This has a most interesting color pallet - using copper and bronze and other "unvalentine" colors for the hearts - quite extraordinary really.

Keeping with the theme of Outdoor Wednesday, I'm going to share more photos from my visit to NW Garden Nursery.  The nursery is a few miles southwest of Eugene, Oregon - they have a great website and more information can be found there.  

The Aconites were blooming...

As were the Snowdrops...

Even the Trilliums had begun to unfurl their leaves!
I love the look of plants "erupting" from the earth.

And oh, the Cyclamen - several different varieties.

Not sure what this is, but it certainly is blasting out of the earth!  

Ernie and Marietta's garden had at least three kinds of Iris Reticulata.

See, I'm a sucker for Cyclamen! 

More Iris...

And a final Cyclamen - note this one has pale silver unmottled leaves.
Tomorrow I'll post pictures of some of the "structural" trees and shrubs in the garden.


  1. lovey start on the bright needle :) and those plants are fab at the garden centre ... my iris has just opened up indoors though .... it looks like a waterlily coming through but it can't be ??? love mouse xxxx

  2. Enjoyed seeing your lovely flowers because skies here are gray.
    Joyce M

  3. We're supposed to go to the garden show in Seattle this weekend. We'll see- the weather is crazy so hopefully the roads will cooperate. I wonder how all the vendors are going to get set up with all this cold weather making things so complicated. Of course I never understand garden shows at the Seattle Convention Center. Seems a bit complicated and out of sorts but I'm still going.

  4. Thank you for your lovely spring pictures--we sure need a break from the snow and ice here in PA!


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