Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow Interruption

Design - "Tis Better to Give Than Receive"
Designer - La-D-Da
FAbric - 32 count R & R Foglifter
Fibers - WDW & GAST - two threads over two strands
Started - February 2011
Completed - 24 February 2011 

As this is our first snowfall of the winter, it does merit documenting!

Snowfall in the early morning...

Not everyone is thrilled with the turn of events.

Finches and Juncos in the thicket.

I love the delicate silhouette of the Cottonwood amongst the Douglas Fir.

A Junco

Further snow

A Blue Jay


  1. Wonderful finish! Great snow/bird and cat pics, too! I hope we got our LAST snow of the season today.

  2. Lovely finish :) and great photos as well . love the pusscat :) what you thinking of stitching next then ??
    love mouse xxxx


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