Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A New Stitch - A Nursery Visit

I decided to take a "Heart-Break" (ha-ha!) and I've kitted up La-D-Da's "It's Better to Give Than Receive".  The linen is called Fog lifter - fitting for this time of year though Monday was a wonderfully beautiful day.  The two outdoor cats and I enjoyed the afternoon sunshine - we all got some Vitamin D basking on the back patio!

Monday's weather contrasted sharply with Saturday morning when my Mom, my Sister, and I drove out to NW Garden Nursery for their Hellebore sale.  It was a cold grey morning with a bitter wind. 

But the weather could not take away from the glorious plants!
Marietta and Ernie O'Byrne are amazing hybridizers and plants-people.
This is the perfect time of year to stop dreaming and begin planning this year's garden!

As a special treat they have a wonderful garden - open to the public when their nursery is open.

So on a cold, grey day we were able to walk around and enjoy the many jewel-toned hellebores... 

You can see why it is hard to pick just one plant!

There were other early spring bulbs in force like the snowdrops.

But the hellebores were the stars of the show!
We bought five!

Check out The Tuesday Garden Party at an Oregon Cottage.
Jami is celebrating her blog anniversary with a wonderful giveaway!


  1. That is a sweet La-d-da chart and the garden pics are amazing! After 10 more inches of snow on Sunday, I am SO ready for Spring!

  2. I love your new start. Beautiful garden pictures.

  3. ooo i like that la de da chart very nice and the flowers are gorgeous .... glad you enjoyed your pootle round :) love mouse xxxx

  4. Really beautiful. Where is the NW nursery?

  5. The helibores are so beautiful. I am waiting for mine to start blooming. Something has been munchin on a couple of mine:(

  6. I love the hellebores - we lost one of ours with the severe winter but I've bought a new one to replace it.


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