Friday, December 31, 2010

A Finish for the End of the Year

This morning is dawning cold and clear (26F).  The little bit of snow we had has mostly disappeared.
Yesterday I chanced upon this chickadee - his downy feathers all puffed up to combat the cold weather.

Design - "Little Flake"
Chart - "Flakes" - CS015
Designer - Val's Stitchin' Stuff
Fabric - 28 count R & R 18th Century Brown linen
Fibers - GAST & Caron Wildflowers "Opal"
Started - 29 December 2010
Completed - 31 December 2010 

Everyone was cold and hungry yesterday morning.

The quail...

the chickadees...

and the bunnies.

Beauty in the snow!

As this year ends I am amazed and delighted to now have 66 faithful followers!  Wow - that, more than anything has been my reward for posting everyday in 2010.  I thank you for your time and generous comments.   


  1. Your blog is a real treat to look at. Your pictures are always really fantastic. Thanks for taking the time to share your passions of gardening, birds and stitching.

    Have a happy and healthy 2011.

  2. Congratulations on the finish! What gorgeous bird pictures. One of my goals for 2011 is to become more knowledgeable about the birds I see here in Ireland.

    Wishing you and yours a happy & healthy 2011.

  3. Beautiful photos of the chickadees. One of my favorite birds. Love the bunny too.

    A very Happy New Year to you and yours.

  4. I LOVE your chickadee pictures. You're very good at photographing.
    Lovely stitching too :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.