Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's A New Year...A New Start...A New Stitching Plan?

Many parts of the United States have gotten slammed with winter storms over the past week, but not here in western Oregon.  So I begin 2011 with a stitch that exemplifies the child in me..."More Snow"...please!

I've been thinking long and hard about the 2011 Stitching Challenge:
Starting 15 projects in the first 15 days of the New Year.
I decided that would cause me to have a complete stitching melt-down - too much pressure too fast.  When I analyzed my stitching shortfalls for 2010 (and they are many), the most glaring was my lack of "large" stitching projects. 
So for 2011 I've composed a list of twelve larger projects which I hope to stitch (and complete) - one for each month of the year.  They are as follows:

January – “Winter Walk” – Knotted Tree
February – “Sweet Winter” – BrightNeedle
March – “Bouquet for March” – Cedar Hill
April – “Fair Daffodil” – Blackbird Designs
May – “Caught in the Garden” - Little by Little
June – “Bouquet for June” – Cedar Hill
July – “Free Bird” – Plum Street Samplers
August – “Quaker Bee Sampler” Chessie n’ Me
September – “Birds in the Bower” – Goode Huswife
October – “October’s Harvest” – Blackbird Designs
November – “Pumpkin Pie” – Cross Eyed Cricket
December – “Quaker Alphabet” – La-D-Da

If I have time and energy, then I will also stitch:

“Alpha Birds” – Sheepish Designs
“Another Carnation Sampler" – Elizabeth Designs
“Thirteen Owls” – Plum Street Samplers
…and finish Birds of a Feather “Alphabet Sampler”.

That's the plan anyway - we shall have to see how it plays out!

I leave with two shots of a new bird at the suet feeder.

A small female Downy Woodpecker.


  1. I think your stitching plan looks great. I love the snowmen. I am not familiar with the design in the 2nd picture. He is a fabulous snow man :)
    Happy New Year!

  2. May the New Year bring you many hoiurs of joy while doing the things you enjoy most.

    Love your new header photo.

  3. Happy New Year, may you have much success with your stitchy plans. Beautiful bird visitor picture!

  4. I am in awe of your stitching plans... May they all be as beautiful as you imagined. Happy New Year.

  5. Oh I love several of the pieces on your list. I'm trying to come up with a short list of my own - so many great graphs and so little time! Happy stitching!

  6. You're way further along with a stitching plan than I am for the new year! Looking forward to more of your stitching (and your awesome photos!)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.