Thursday, December 30, 2010

Little Flakes...Figuratively and Literally

Yesterday evening I finally had some time to work on "Little Flake".  Ironically, as I finished about 9:30pm, I happened to look outside with the aid of the Christmas lights, and noticed that it had begun to snow.

We had one good snow shower last night, so the ground is white. 

As promised, a few pictures - the theme:
"The Beauty is in the Details"

The Crescent moon in the morning sky...

Blackberry leaves encrusted with snow... 

Douglas fir boughs...



and Queen Anne's Lace.


  1. What beautiful birds you have visiting, I envy you. Over here in Scotland we don't get such a lovely mix - I feed the birds daily and love to watch them.

  2. Gorgeous pictures , I love teasel and have always wanted to grow it , but never quite managed it .


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