Friday, September 17, 2010

The Last Friday of Summer

Even though it is the last Friday of summer, the weather, the mood is of autumn.

So in that spirit I've begun to stitch The Prairie Schooler square with three ears of corn.  We've had such good sweet corn this year, and the season for it is so very short.  This will be a way to remember the crunch and sweetness, and the smell of butter and pepper!

I think this fuchsia seems autumnal too.

And we've switched the wreath by the front door...


  1. That pumpkin wreath is sooo nice. I want one. To bad to see summer go, but I am not going to miss our record setting hot days. Looking foward to the nourishing (lightening and nitrogen) and life sustaining rains.
    You got two picks for giving me the idea to make a wreath.

  2. I'm sad to see summer go, in part because it never really got going here this year. Our peppers are still green! However, fall is my absolute most favorite season. Your wreath is lovely, and perfect for the fall season.

  3. Thank you again for all the beautiful pictures.
    I think that your wreath will be wonderful.



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