Friday, July 16, 2010

Another Bunny For Your Viewing Pleasure

Design - "Gingham Bunny"
Chart - "The Bunny Collection"
Designer - JBW Designs
Fabric - 28 count Antique White linen
Started - 11 July 2010
Completed - 12 July 2010

Love the look of the pink gingham bunny - charming!  Sometimes a simple, repeated pattern can really make a motif "pop."

Yesterday I went downtown to run some errands.  There are now food carts on the mall serving lunch.
The Nosh Pit and Carte Blanche had set up shop.

Ken Kesey appeared to approve.

I also enjoyed all the hanging baskets and large planters in the downtown area.  I believe that our eyes (and our souls) need beautiful living things to provide respite from stress and worry. 

These were three of my favorites!

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet bunny and the food carts look like great fun! I agree about needing beautiful things!


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