Saturday, July 17, 2010

Eye Candy

First up - new fabric - oh, I could happily sit and stare at this array all day!
From left to right: Desert Sand, WDW Carrot, Antique Pink, R & R Dye Pot Blend, Prairie Grain, Edinburgh Flax, and WDW Pumpkin...
Can you tell I have autumnal themes in mind for some of these?

Outside the colors are very different. 
Today I bring you Salvia patens.
Salvia patens - Cambridge Blue

Salvia patens - Blue Angel

Salvia patens - Lavendar Lady

And this penstemon fits my theme too!
Penstemon - Electric Blue


  1. Is the fabric Aida or linen? I couldn't tell in the picture. My favorite is Aida. :-)

  2. Fabric is linen - 28 count to 36 count.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.