Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Wednesday's Walk Around the House

It's been extremely rainy, so let's take a walk around the house.


In the outdoor world, the hazel brush catkins are on full display.

In the flowerbeds, the winter clematis is in full bloom.

Red branches of an osier dogwood.


Rose hips

Bright green growth of an oriental poppy.

Hellebore bursting with blooms.


Buds on a daphne.

Further daffodils.

Flowering red currant.  
This will be in bloom in mid-March when the Rufous Hummingbirds return.

Bearded iris

Witch hazel in bloom. The Anna's Hummingbirds will be enjoying that!

Dogwood - a symphony of red and yellow.

Yet more rose hips and our walk is complete.
I hope you enjoyed all our early signs of spring.


  1. Lovely,lovely pics ! Spring has sprung 😁 Those daffs will be spectacular! Please send some rain south to SoCal. Thanks 👍🙂

  2. Enjoyed the walk around your house, Beth. Awesome early signs of spring!

  3. So many beautiful things to see on the walk!


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